Spring 2012
The first "Radio Workshop for Jungle" included Planning, Production & Presentation of a Radio Program. Presented by Dany Prado of Runa Simi in Peru, leaders of different tribal communities of the Amazon Jungle of Peru: Awajun, Shawi, Wampis, Achuar, Candoshi, & Quechua. Some had to travel for a week to participate in this workshop. Sensing the great need to proclaim the Gospel in their own native languages, these men and women have committed to serve the Lord by producing radio programs to reach their people for Christ.
A workshop was taught by Dany Prado training these folks in the use of a used laptop computer (supplied by the Ethnic Radio Team) with audio editing software named Audacity. They learned to prepare scripts and choose program formats that would attract their listeners. They also learned how to present inductive Bible studies and produce micro-programs for radio broadcast. Walter Prado, (Dany's father) helped with the inductive Bible studies.
Many were fearful to get behind a microphone for the first time and use this recording equipment with a live audience. However, this exercise helped them overcome their fear and prepared them to use the gifts and talents they already possessed. They prepared and presented a live radio program in their own language during this workshop. Recording it and playing it back for participants to hear was the final hurdle, making for some very excited tribal leaders. Success! They could do it themselves!
Dany Prado
Runa Simi, Peru
A workshop was taught by Dany Prado training these folks in the use of a used laptop computer (supplied by the Ethnic Radio Team) with audio editing software named Audacity. They learned to prepare scripts and choose program formats that would attract their listeners. They also learned how to present inductive Bible studies and produce micro-programs for radio broadcast. Walter Prado, (Dany's father) helped with the inductive Bible studies.
Many were fearful to get behind a microphone for the first time and use this recording equipment with a live audience. However, this exercise helped them overcome their fear and prepared them to use the gifts and talents they already possessed. They prepared and presented a live radio program in their own language during this workshop. Recording it and playing it back for participants to hear was the final hurdle, making for some very excited tribal leaders. Success! They could do it themselves!
"Your prayers and love offerings give me the opportunity to serve the Lord in this ministry. Thanks so much and may the Lord bless you."
Dany Prado
Runa Simi, Peru